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Exuberance :The state of being exuberant; an overflowing quantity; a copious or excessive production or supply; superabundance; richness.

Green Chalcedony has the power to align the mind, body, and spirit. This stone also sends feelings of generosity and kindness to you, allowing you to share it with others. Green Chalcedony removes jealousy and builds self-reliance, and is a great aid for your Heart Chakra work.

Green Amethyst is known as a prosperity-bringer, as most green stones are. It will work to attract abundance, wealth and good fortune into your experience; Green Amethyst is also a facilitator of self love.

 Green Onyx will build up your feeling of physical and emotional balance, and strengthen the bonds of relationship in your life; Green Onyx is associated with the Heart chakra and is a wonderful bridge gemstone between the lower and upper energy centers.

Peridot is born of fire and brought to light, one of only two gems (Diamond is the other) formed not in the Earth’s crust, but in molten rock of the upper mantle and brought to the surface by the tremendous forces of earthquakes and volcanoes.

The spiritual meaning of Hematite is about being rooted in the earth and staying shielded from harm. It enhances the feeling of safety and security that comes from having a stronger connection to the earth. When we work with it, we gain fortitude, strength, stamina and vitality.

Green Chalcedony
Green Amethyst
Gold Filled or Sterling Silver Components
2.75" Length

Handmade with intention in Humboldt County, California

Exuberance Chalcedony

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