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Ariadne is a name of Greek origin meaning "most holy".

Blue Chalcedony has the power to align the mind, body, and spirit. This stone also sends feelings of generosity and kindness to you, allowing you to share it with others. Blue Chalcedony removes self-doubt and builds self-confidence, and is a great aid for your Throat Chakra work.

Pyrite is a powerful protection stone that works on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels to shield and protect from all types of lower vibrations and or energy. It stimulates the mind and improves memory, making it easier to recall important information when needed. Pyrite aids in looking past the surface of things, encouraging an awareness of what is underlying words and deeds.

Blue Chalcedony

Gold Filled or Sterling Silver Components
3.5" Length

Handmade with intention in Humboldt County, California

Ariadne Blue Chalcedony

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